Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Food For Free

May you remember to be held in the cradle of the universe.

The last lines of my guided body scan meditation by Bob Stahl, Ph.D.

How can I remember this? Did this ever happen so that I can remember it? I hope so, I hope that I was at one time held this way, affirmed of my place, to be sure. I read an article yesterday of people creating a free farm, a place where food is grown and people are encouraged to go, take, and eat. For free, well more or less, of course, someone would pipe up with “Well someone’s got to pay for it.” Well, of course, now they do, now that we have money, and all sorts of rules and regulations around it.

But imagine, at one time, food did just grow, for free, and people ate and shared the bounty of the earth. But this, city garden stuff, this is the sort of news I need to hear more often. (Found on Utne Reader online yesterday.) I need to believe that we are not going to hell in a handbasket, I need to believe that more people love each other than maim each other, and that well, when the temp is going to be 60 degrees today, that spring is just around the corner. Signing off from the cradle of the universe.

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