Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Poem for You

I have words to tell
and a broken spell
and guts spilled out all over the floor

Come up close 
so as not to miss a word
and in a whisper I’ll tell you more

About kings and queens
and magic and dreams
and lies and schemes galore

About love and fear
and time and tears
about blood and bones and gore

About rivers I’ve crossed
and loves I’ve saved and lost
about letting go about keeping score

I had been called daughter and sister
and mother and twisted
and lover and virgin and whore

I have traveled to Paris
slept in London and Prague
Still my own bed fails to bore 

You want to know the truth you say
you want me to keep you safe
I say only you can know for sure 

You can know your way
you can see your future
plain as day the ill is the cure 

So open your hand
take this little pill
written on it is endure 

Feel the pound of heart beat
air fills your lungs with life so sweet
with wings take flight and soar

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


what is the 
sound of rain
a beat
like that of the heart
what is the 
sound of the wind
a whisper
like a lover’s breath
what is the 
sound of the sea
like the womb before we descend
what is the sound 
a tree makes when it grows
silent like our souls


I’ve always believed in the power of words, they shape how we see life and even how we feel. As I’m using words more verbally, in my therapy practice, I find it harder to write. I’m wondering if that is just temporary, trying to take in other factors, like maybe I’m just more tired as my practice builds. Or is there a correlation somehow, between having dialogue in our heads, with ourselves, and writing, and having actual spoken dialogue with other people? It makes me wonder about all the factors that go into what we consider being either introverted or extroverted? Is it about the words that we have stored inside us that either move us towards others, or push us inwards? 

I see this with couples, they want closeness, they want intimacy, but not only are the words missing, but also the permission to even talk about their deepest sense of self is often missing. I understand this, growing up in families and systems, that there are so many taboos around what parts of ourselves it’s ok to share, and what parts are not ok to share, that at times we just give in, and are quiet, not sharing anything at all. For me, when I was younger,  I would often just retreat, watch and listen, knowing that there were some rules of interaction that I just never quite ‘got.’ I would have considered myself shy, or more introverted, when in actuality, it was that the words that people were using to connect were not part of my vocabulary. And in our culture, there can be things not accepted in one family, that are perfectly fine in another to talk about,  to be open around. 

I’m still learning and practicing the art of communication, and finding, quite humbly, that even sometimes quite simple things elude me. Being exact about how much time I have to spend with someone. Giving feedback about my preferences. Being present when one or more persons is in the room. Telling someone I need time to myself. Asking someone to lower or soften their voice. Being curious about something. Asking for clarification when I’m uncertain, but don’t want to seem too needy. Even in writing this, it seems like my point is a bit unclear, like the ideas I’m trying to form are not fully gestated. But I think it’s ok, ok to be a little unclear, and still try to make sense, to put to words, to communicate. It’s how we grow.