Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Neatly Pressed

I stand here folding wrinkled cotton sheets
the softness soothing on my hands and arms
I think that I want to iron them
iron them smooth
and smell the smell of heat and steam and laundry detergent
I remember being very young
standing on a chair
and my mom teaching me to iron
dad’s starched white hankies 
then moving on to pillow cases
easy to iron
watching mom deftly ironing
dad’s dress shirts
collars first
then sleeves
then the body of the shirt
the clothes were piled high
the radio tuned to a classical station
my mom was not one to be into pop culture
she aspired to higher things
as I grew it became my job
to put the clothes away
hang them in the closets
we were all very neatly pressed
and put together
that mattered in a family
fed and clothed
prepared to make our way
and so today
I want to take out my ironing board
smooth away the wrinkles
sleep in ironed sheets
I never taught my daughters to iron
and it’s been a long time since I’ve done it myself 
back and forth
spray a little starch
spray a little water
hot to the touch
I left home in clothes
that would make me who I am 


  1. Beautiful memories, gently framed, aptly expressed. I hope all is well with you, Theresa.

  2. Thank you, yes, all is well. Hope all is well with you too.
