Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In the beginning

So, this is the beginning of my blog. In the beginning was the word, and the word was in me, ready to tell a story, ready to be on the page, ready to flow from my fingertips, ready to be read by your eyes, heard by your mind, listen up....

Have you ever had a story inside of you, just waiting to be told, ever had a thought just grab your head while you are brushing your teeth? You put down the toothbrush, you look through the mess you call your room, looking for something to write with, to write on, and you call yourself a writer, oh holy hell, where is a piece of paper? I have to finish brushing my teeth, and get to work, the day job. Well, there I've written it down, ready to be retrieved when I have time, time to be a writer, maybe someday, maybe, maybe today.

1 comment:

  1. Theresa, I am so glad you are taking the time to share your story. I know many will value your insights and perhaps some will see themselves in your story.

    Expelled, huh?! Awesome.
